Inside: Busy teachers need to get up and running with the Seesaw app quickly! Try these 3 fast ways to put together Seesaw activities for your students.

o really frustrate teachers, throw a new app or program at them every year. Then expect that they’ll make magic with it in the classroom.

Also, provide very little training.


Frustrated with figuring out Seesaw? Use these 3 ways to find and send assignments to students fast


Sound familiar?

If you’re already using Seesaw, you know it has lots of features to engage kids in learning.

But when it’s Sunday night and you need a phonics activity for tomorrow, you don’t have time to click through features, figuring out the best way to practice the ch sound on an iPad screen! (My grandpa would have said, “Too many bells and whistles!”)

Fortunately, you don’t have to stay up late going feature crazy to engage students on Seesaw.

There are three simple ways to get Seesaw activities put together and out to students fast!


Use What You Have! – Seesaw Activities from Existing Printables

If you already have a printable worksheet that you like, it’s easy to use it on Seesaw!

  • From the main page, click the green plus button.
  • Click “assign activity.”
  • Click “Create New Activity.”
  • Click “Add Template for Student Responses.”
  • Click the photo option.
  • Take a photo of the worksheet. Students can write, draw, or type on it.
  • Click the green checkmark to save the template. Add a title and directions. Then you’re ready to assign!



HINT: Students may need to zoom in on a worksheet to use it. Find out how to zoom in or out HERE.


What about worksheets that aren’t printed out?

When you create the template, choose the upload tool instead of the photo tool.

Then, upload the worksheet file from your computer to use as a template.

If your worksheets are in a bigger PDF file, first convert the PDF to JPEG and then upload the JPEG worksheet that you want.


Use the Free Community Library

Some Seesaw users choose to share their original materials with others in a community library.

To see what’s available click the green plus, then assign activity.

Click on the community tab to see activities others have shared.

Click on an activity.

Then click assign.


Purchase Activity Collections

Just because you can make all your own Seesaw activities, doesn’t mean it’s worth the time to DIY.

Curriculum authors sell collections of activities that are already “preloaded” into Seesaw. This means that you receive a table of contents full of links. When you click on a link you are prompted to copy the activity into your own account.



Why would you pay for Seesaw activities when there are free ones available?

The free library contains mainly “one-off” activities that don’t connect to anything else. If you want a more complete package with a sequence, multiple types of practice, maybe coordinating assessments and extras, a collection is the way to go!

Browse my Seesaw activity collections here:


seesaw activities for elementary students



If you’ve felt like putting together Seesaw activities takes too much of your time and energy, try one of these shortcuts and get engaging practice in front of your students fast!


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Easily Send Seesaw Activities to Your Students - 3 Quick Ways



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Hannah Braun
Hannah Braun
Hannah Braun is a former teacher with 8 years of experience in the classroom and a master's degree in early childhood education. She designs engaging, organized classroom resources for 1st-3rd grade teachers.