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Bossy R Activities | Google


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30 activities for Google classroom.
Use with 1st or 2nd grade.

**This is a downloadable product. Once your payment is confirmed, a link to download will appear.

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diphthong activities for Google classroom

Diphthongs Activities | Google


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58 activities for Google classroom (+11 challenge versions!).
Use with 1st or 2nd grade.

**This is a downloadable product. Once your payment is confirmed, a link to download will appear.

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Short & Long Vowel Sounds | Google


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Teach students to discriminate between short and long vowel sounds with 19 engaging activities ready to use in Google classroom.

*For 1st and 2nd Grade

*PDF with links to 19 activities


**This product is a digital download. Once your payment is processed, you receive a PDF to download with links to the activities. When you click the links, you’ll be prompted to copy the files into your Google drive. Then assign in Google classroom and you’re ready to go!


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VCE Activities | Google


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Links to 27 activities in Google classroom.

For 1st and 2nd grade

This is a downloadable product. Once your payment is processed you will be given a link to download the file.

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vowel teams activities for Google classroom

Vowel Teams | Google


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56 activities for Google classroom (+25 challenge versions!).
Use with 1st or 2nd grade.

**This is a downloadable product. Once your payment is confirmed, a link to download will appear.

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Teach spelling and phonics skills with digital word sorts for use in Google classroom

Word Sorts | Google


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Independent spelling activities for teachers who want to improve students’ spelling skills. 83 word sorts in Google classroom are appropriate for 1st and 2nd graders. Use for distance learning or as a word work center. You can organize your spelling instruction for the whole year around these sorts and assessments.


**This is a downloadable product – once your payment is processed, you will receive a link to download a PDF. The PDF contains links to all of the Google activities so you can copy them to your own Google drive.


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